APAC Regulators Driving Digital Transformation
The pandemic has made it abundantly clear that digital transformation is no longer optional, says Fenergo’s Rachel Woolley. We often...

“Significant Compliance Failures” - Deutsche Bank fined US$150M in Epstein case
In a July 2020 Consent Order, the Frankfurt based Deutsche Bank agreed to pay a fine of US$150M “for significant compliance failures”...

RegTech, the unsung hero against financial fraud in a pandemic
There is no denying that globally, financial crime is a huge and growing issue, exacerbated by the onset of covid-19. In today’s digital...

Lack of Access to Capital Hindering Australia’s Potential to Be a Leader in RegTech
Limited access to funding and long sales cycles are hampering Australia’s RegTech industry, preventing the sector from realising its full...

Open Banking and Regtech Firm Railsbank Gains Hong Kong Fintech Statrys as New Client
UK-based Railsbank, an Open Banking and Regtech solution provider, revealed on June 29, 2020, that it has gained Hong Kong Fintech...

The Fall of Hin Leong and the Rise of RegTech
The ongoing Hin Leong scandal highlights the dangers of a lack of oversight and under-reporting necessitating the need for tech solutions...