Understanding the RegTech Boom
The RegTech industry is constantly growing, with financial companies alone set to spend $72 billion in spend on RegTech companies by...

The Future of FinTech
FinTech certainly has a bright future, with the dawn of revolutionary technologies such as Blockchain and Quantum Computing presenting...

What leaders need to know about Compliance in 2018
It’s been a whirlwind couple of months in terms of compliance and the regulatory landscape. Whether you zero in on compliance in the...

6 things that prevent Blockchain from ruling the world
Blockchain is set to revolutionise the modern financial landscape, but there are a few problems it might find along the way. Click below...

RegPac's December Newsletter
Regulatory Technology Round-Up In this month's newsletter, we wrap up for the year and wish you good tidings and a happy new year!...

Regtech’s new commander in chief
Meet the newly appointed CEO of the IRTA (International RegTech Association), Ben Richmond. Founder of CUBE, he is continuing his journey...

Using Bitcoin Or Other Cryptocurrency To Commit Crimes? Law Enforcement Is Onto You
Speculative bubble or no, perhaps the greatest challenge facing Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies in general, and the broader world of blockchain...

Can “regtech” ease compliance challenges?
There are two key forces at work in the 21st century that won’t change for most firms, and certainly not financial companies: technology...

Exiger Wins RegTech Company of the Year Award; Recognized for its Groundbreaking AI Product, DDIQ
The judges recognized DDIQ as one of the most innovative and impactful technologies for transforming how financial institutions comply...

Bank spending on RegTech for fixed income trading desks tops $20 billion
Fixed-income dealers are spending as much as $20 billion a year on RegTech (regulatory technology) to help them comply with the raft of...