Meet Our New Partners

AlicanTEC is an association that works for the promotion and development of Technological and knowledge-sharing society of Alicante.
They are a non-profit association of entrepreneurs, entities and companies, committed to the development of the digital economy and other key technological and innovative industries that will shape our future Its mission is to promote the southern Mediterranean of Spain as an area of technological development, by putting value on startups and international technology companies, exploiting Alicante's habitat which has one of the highest quality of life across the world.
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Lakeba Group’s vision is to provide market-leading software development and business support services to early stage ventures, and to invest wisely in ventures with the potential to deliver innovative solutions to the market.
With a strong focus on technological innovation, and experience from partnerships with technology based startups and entrepreneurs alike, they are able to create new solutions in their innovations lab. Lakeba Group uses a rigorous commercialisation process to ensure the success their our ventures and products in the marketplace.
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